como esta mi blog

lunes, 29 de noviembre de 2010

summary #8

In this topic I learn about the blood system.
I learn that the plasma is a plate- yellow liquid part of the blood that contain nutrients , also that the hemoglobin is a chemical that carries oxigen around in the body ,also about platelets that is a cell  fragment in blood that helps blood to form clots, arteries are blood vessels that carries blood aaway from the heart ,the veins also are blood vesselsthat carries blood toward the heart, capillarythe smallest type of blood vessels ,where materials are exchanged between blood and body cells transfussion is when is taking blood from one person to another person , antibody is a protein in blood that help destroy materials that can be harmful.

summary # 7

In this topic I learn how Ecosystem change.
The Ecological succession is the gradual replacement  of one community by another, the first animal that get into a new place is the pioneer specie,when there are the first  comunity in a place it is called pioneer .community, and the climax community its form by the final stage of succession in an area.

summary #6

In this topic I learn more things about the climate and animals and where they live.
They live in diferents biomes that in the biomes have his own climate , vegetation , animals.
Panama is in the tropical rain forest that in this biome have more animals , plants and vegetation that  each other.
Taiga is very cool they have less vegetation , animals , water.
Desert they have not too much animals ,  plants and rain . the Desert is the most arid biome that exist.
Tundra is cold , tree less and farnorth , marked by spongysoil.

summary #5

In this topic I learn that in the ecosystem many animals survive by others .
In the parasitism an example can be a dog  and a flea that the flea is benefit and the dog is harm.
A example of commensalism can be a orchid and a tree in this realation ship the orchid is benefit but the three isn´t harm.
In mutualism an example can be the yucca moth and the yucca tree that in the relation ship the two are benefit.


Cycles of Live

In this topic I learn many things like the decomposers help in the nitrogen cycle.
First I will explain what is a cycle a cycle is a process that have no begining and no end.
In the water cycle  they are things that help in this cycle like the sun, the trees. The sun help evaporating the water , the trees help by transpirating.
In the carbon cycle also the trees help by changing the carbon dioxide into oxigen.

lunes, 18 de octubre de 2010

summary #3

food chain and food webfood chain: the path of enegy in food from one  organism to another they always start with sun and finished with discoumpousers
food web: the overlapping food chainsin a community they always start with producers and ends with living things.

summary #2

living things and their envirment
The living thing or biotic and nonlivving things are found evrywhere . living things need non living things to survive.   the science that studies how living things an their envirorment interact isan e called ecology. Every living thing has a role or a niche,  an example of this is that every organism reproduce.
Examples of biotics factors:

Example of abiotic factors.

summary #1

Enegy reasources are reasouces that can be use as energy example of energy that contaminate fossil fuel that do not contaminate wind solar energy water energy the energy can be use in many ways like seeing television using the cars evry thing now use enrgy. Brazil is the number one country dont contaminating they do not use fossil fuel they use somting that when the corn fermentaid something that can be use as energy for making that they need corn a special box without howls and bacterias.

lunes, 27 de septiembre de 2010

vocabulary 7

mixture: two or more parts blended together yet keeping their own properties and not turning into a new substance.

solution: a mixture in which substance are completely blended so that the properties are the same throughhout and the substance stay blended.

suspension: a mixture of substance that separate upon  standing.

colloid: particles (or droplets ) large enought to block out light spread throughout another substance.

emulsion: a liquid spread through another liquid.

aerosol: liquid drops or solid particles spread through a gas.

gel: a solid spread trough a liquid.

foam:a gas spred trough a liquid or solid.

vocabulary 6

state of matter: any of the forms matter can exist in.

melting point: the temperature at which a solid changes state into a liquid.

boiling point: the temperature at which  a liquid changes state into a gas.

freezing point: the temperature in which a liquid ckanges state into a solid.

vocabulary # 4

element : a basic building block of matter; a pure substance that  cannot be broken  down into any thing simplier.

compound : a chemical combination  of two or more elements into a single substance.

atom: the smallets unit of an element that still has the properties of the element.

proton : a particle with a positive  charge in the nucleus of an atom.

neutron: an uncharged particle in the nucleus of an atom.

electron : a particle with a negative charge moving around the nucleous of an atom.

nucleus :  the dense center part of an atom.

molecule: a group of more than one atom joined together that acts like a single particle.

lunes, 6 de septiembre de 2010


The planets are large bodies that are in  a solar system.

Mercury : is the first planet from the sun it is a big rock that is hot.

Venus : is the second planet from the sun is bigger than mercury but also is hot.

Earth : is the third planet have a perfect distance from the sun , is the only planet now that can have live in it.

Mars :is the fourth planet and also Mars is calledthe red planet beacause it shines and planet see red.

Jupiter : is the fifth planet is one of the biggest planets a year in Jupiter have 4,333 days.

Saturn  : is the sixth planet from the sun and to complete a spinning takes 10 hours and 40 minutes and a year takes 10 ,759.

Uranus : is the seven planet from the sun and a year there takes 30,685 days and a day takes17 hours and 14 minutes.

Neptune : is the last planet  and so hit has the biggest orbit and a year takes 60,188 days.

Pluto :  is not a planet bea cause he have not the size needit to classify it as a planet and it have not a normal orbit beacause it pass through the orbit of  Neptune it is classify as a big rock.

conclusion : they are not galaxy without planets and that the Earth is the only   planet  that can have live now so take care of it  and if you don´t take care of it the Global Warming will come in less time.

domingo, 22 de agosto de 2010


mass: the amount of matter in an object.

volume: the amount of space an object takes up.

weight: (on Earth) a measure of the force of gravity between Earth and an object.

density: a measure of how toghtly packed matter is; the amount of mass contained in a given volume.

buoyancy: the upward push on an object by the liquid ( or gas) the ob ject is placed in.

conduct: allow heat or elctricity to flow through it readily.

insulate: not allow heat or electricity  to flow through readily.

martes, 17 de agosto de 2010


opaque: completely blocking light from passing through them.

transparent: letting all light through, so that object on the other side can be seen clearly.

 translucent:letting only some light through, so that objects on the other side appear blurry.

polarization: allowing light vibrationsto pass through in only one directon.

refraction: the bending of  light rays as they pass from one substance to another
convex lens:a lens that curves outward (is thicker at the middle than at the edges) and brings light rays togethe

concave lens:a lens that curves inward  (is thicker at the edges than at the mirror) and spreads light rays part.

lunes, 16 de agosto de 2010


biolunescene:light produce by living organism

light ray :a straight-line beam of light as it traqvels outward from its sources.

Lawf Reflection: the angle of the incoming light ray equals the angle of the reflected ray.

concave mirror: a mirror that curves in on tje shiny side.

convex mirror: a mirror that curve out on the shiny side.

domingo, 15 de agosto de 2010

Invisible Light Album


Most of the light move in straight line but the invisible light move in waveslenghts,also the invisible light is part of the Electromagnetic Spectrum.People can not see waveslenghts longer than red and shorter than violet,we can detect them, and we can use it in many ways this light is called invisible light.

Examples of Invisible Light:

Radio waves: the Radiowaves have the longer wavelenghts of the Electromagnetic Spectrum (1,000 meters) so they use it to carry signals in codes (AM,FM).Radio stations use Radio waves to carry sounds.

Microwaves: Is a short wave radio waves.Water in food absorb micro waves very readily.The energy from the absorbed  microwaves speeds up the the water molecules inside the food.

Infrared light: It means "just beyond red."Infrared waves are next to visible red waves in the spectrum .When you stand in sun light , it is Sun`s infrared waves that warm you.

Ultraviolet light :  Ultraviolet light is made up of waves just shorter than visible violet light on the spectrum.
(UVlight) is also a form of call the ultraviolet light. UVlight give us vitamin D that help us for have healthy bones.

X rays and gamma rays: the shortest waveslengths of the spectrum are the X rays and Gamma rays. They are dangerous for health. X rays can pass right through most objects. Thicker or denser object tend to absorb X rays. This means that x rays can produce a picture when they pass through an arm or leg, or your jaw. The denser objects such as bones and teeth, can show up very clearly on the finish pictures.

Blu ray: Blu-ray is an optical disc format such as CD and DVD. It was developed for recording and playing back high-definition (HD) video and for storing large amounts of data.

Conclution: There are many wavelenghts that we cant see, but we can detect them. We call this Invisible light and they have importants properties and uses.