como esta mi blog

lunes, 18 de octubre de 2010

summary #3

food chain and food webfood chain: the path of enegy in food from one  organism to another they always start with sun and finished with discoumpousers
food web: the overlapping food chainsin a community they always start with producers and ends with living things.

summary #2

living things and their envirment
The living thing or biotic and nonlivving things are found evrywhere . living things need non living things to survive.   the science that studies how living things an their envirorment interact isan e called ecology. Every living thing has a role or a niche,  an example of this is that every organism reproduce.
Examples of biotics factors:

Example of abiotic factors.

summary #1

Enegy reasources are reasouces that can be use as energy example of energy that contaminate fossil fuel that do not contaminate wind solar energy water energy the energy can be use in many ways like seeing television using the cars evry thing now use enrgy. Brazil is the number one country dont contaminating they do not use fossil fuel they use somting that when the corn fermentaid something that can be use as energy for making that they need corn a special box without howls and bacterias.